A student in the Faculty of Education is looking for research participants for her study.
Dear Graduate Students:
I am Pinge (Vicky) Ai, a Master’s student at Faculty of Education in the University of Windsor, doing my M. Ed. thesis research on Chinese Visiting Scholar’s Academic Adjustment in a Canadian University. This research has been cleared by the University of Windsor’s Research Ethics Board.
This study is intended to examine Chinese visiting scholars’ perspectives of their academic adjustment in a Canadian university. By understanding their motivation, their academic adjustment experience, their challenges, and the responses to those challenges, recommendations can be made for the improvement of visiting scholar program at the University of Windsor and other educational institutions who offer such programs. The research will also raise the awareness of host professors, administrators and graduate students to provide more effective support to Chinese visiting scholars Such findings will benefit future Chinese vising scholars by offering predeparture preparedness for their international academic visits.
I am looking for Graduate Student participants for a one-on-one interview up to 15 minutes. If you are interested in being part of this research, please feel free to contact me at aip@uwindsor.ca.
Thank you very much.
All the best!